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Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease.


Mikao Usui

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing sessions will include any of these if not all:

  • Reiki

  • Pendulum work

  • Shamanic Rituals

  • Chakra balancing

  • Crystals

  • Hypno-meditations


These energy healing sessions will be guided intuitively as to what you needed during the session.


Reiki is a gentle, effective energy healing method where all of your being will be treated, not just the symptoms that you present with.


If needed there will be emotional work and hypnosis used to shift old patterns. As each person is different each session will be different too.


In a Energy Healing session your balance and harmony will be restored in a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual way.


The beauty of the Energy healing system is that it is simple, non-invasive, and stress-free, yet highly effective and scientifically proven.


All you need to do is be open to receiving and accepting the energy flowing through your body. Many people fall into a light sleep or a deeply relaxed state. Some people feel the energy and others just feel the most beautiful sense of peace. It's all about giving space to come back into the true you.


What Can Reiki and Energy Healing Do For Me?

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Improve concentration and memory

  • Greater self awareness

  • Increased ability to solve problems creatively

  • Reduction in anxiety, anger, and tension

  • Improved relationships, compassion for self, and others

  • Ability to manage physical pain more effectively

  • More focus and clarity in thinking

  • Developing deeper personal wisdom

  • Overall greater wellbeing, balance, and inner happiness

1.5 hour Energy Healing Session = $188​​


Is Reiki and Energy Healing For Me?

It is important that you understand the limitations of Reiki and Energy Healing before you book a treatment.


Therefore, before you book please answer these three questions.


1. Are you booking a Treatment to try and lower anxiety and/or depression?


2. Do you have physical aches and pains?


3. Are your stress levels above average?


If you have answered yes to either of these questions then Energy Healing and Reiki may be an excellent complementary therapy for you however, it should not be your only form of treatment.

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